Boerewors is based on an older traditional Dutch sausage called the verse worst, though it differs somewhat in its ingredients. In South Africa, Boerewors is as traditional as you can get and it is hard to imagine a sports event, farmer’s market or school fete without someone selling Boerewors Rolls aka "Worsbroodjies".

By now you should know the drill. If not, make a fire (in your Braai/BBQ at home or at the campsite), get some beers and look busy.
Disclaimer: Failing to look busy might get you assigned to undesirable tasks.
Visit our Relish Recipe for instructions HERE
Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onion rings over medium heat till soft and caramelised.
Braai / BBQ the Boerewors for 10min (5 Min per Side) in your OZ Braai BBQ Basket. Using a grid that can close will help to keep your Boerewors spiral in once piece. However, you can also Braai/BBQ the Boerewors on top of your normal Braai/BBQ grid.
Tip: Do not poke holes in the casing as this will cause the yummy juices to escape. You can test to see if the Boerewors is cooked by cutting a small piece off the end. It can still be a little bit undercooked as it will keep cooking in its casing for at least another 10 minutes while it rests.
Cut the Bread Rolls in half, making sure you do not to cut all the way through. This will help to keep some of the goodness inside the bun while enjoying it with both hands. Add Boerewors, Onion Rings, Tomato Relish and Mrs Balls Chutney.
By now you should know the drill. If not, make a fire (in your Braai/BBQ at home or at the campsite), get some beers and look busy.
Disclaimer: Failing to look busy might get you assigned to undesirable tasks.
Visit our Relish Recipe for instructions HERE
Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onion rings over medium heat till soft and caramelised.
Braai / BBQ the Boerewors for 10min (5 Min per Side) in your OZ Braai BBQ Basket. Using a grid that can close will help to keep your Boerewors spiral in once piece. However, you can also Braai/BBQ the Boerewors on top of your normal Braai/BBQ grid.
Tip: Do not poke holes in the casing as this will cause the yummy juices to escape. You can test to see if the Boerewors is cooked by cutting a small piece off the end. It can still be a little bit undercooked as it will keep cooking in its casing for at least another 10 minutes while it rests.
Cut the Bread Rolls in half, making sure you do not to cut all the way through. This will help to keep some of the goodness inside the bun while enjoying it with both hands. Add Boerewors, Onion Rings, Tomato Relish and Mrs Balls Chutney.