He. Did. It. Again. Harry from Fire to Fork made these amazing steak sandwiches using our Camp Braai and a firepit. It is a very easy recipe and only takes a couple of minutes to put together this amazing meal. The Camp Braai is big enough to make 6 to 8 of these sandwiches at the same time.
Image Credits: Fire to Fork

Get all your ingredients ready and dry the steak with a bit of paper towel.
Generously salt and pepper both sides
Arrange your steak in the middle and the bacon on the outside of your Camp Braai to give the steak maximum heat.
Sear the steak on the lowest setting to the fire for approximately 2-3 min on each side (depending on how hot your fire is) to achieve medium-rare. Cook more or less depending on your preference.
Rest for 5 minutes then slice into thin strips.
Line the strips on the bottom half of your rolls, then add cheese, bacon, sliced tomato and spinach.
Add your mustard and caramelised onion relish to the top of your roll.
Place the rolls back into the Camp Braai and cook slowly on the top or middle setting (depending on how hot your fire is) until the cheese is melted and the outside is browned. If you find the outside is blackening before the cheese melts, move it up a notch to slow the cooking down.
Cut in half and serve hot.
Get all your ingredients ready and dry the steak with a bit of paper towel.
Generously salt and pepper both sides
Arrange your steak in the middle and the bacon on the outside of your Camp Braai to give the steak maximum heat.
Sear the steak on the lowest setting to the fire for approximately 2-3 min on each side (depending on how hot your fire is) to achieve medium-rare. Cook more or less depending on your preference.
Rest for 5 minutes then slice into thin strips.
Line the strips on the bottom half of your rolls, then add cheese, bacon, sliced tomato and spinach.
Add your mustard and caramelised onion relish to the top of your roll.
Place the rolls back into the Camp Braai and cook slowly on the top or middle setting (depending on how hot your fire is) until the cheese is melted and the outside is browned. If you find the outside is blackening before the cheese melts, move it up a notch to slow the cooking down.
Cut in half and serve hot.