The Ultimate Guide to Perfecting Your Braai: Top 15 Tips

Braai with Meat

At OZ Braai, we know that a perfect braai is about more than just cooking meat; it’s a social ritual, a celebration, and an art form. Whether you’re a seasoned braai master or just getting started, having the right tips and techniques can make all the difference. From choosing the right equipment to mastering the perfect marinade, our top 15 braai tips will ensure your next braai is unforgettable.

A good braai is about precision, flavour, and community. With these tried-and-true tips, you’ll be able to impress your friends and family with mouth-watering, perfectly cooked meat every time. Let’s dive into the best braai tips to take your BBQ skills to the next level.

Top 15 Braai Tips

1. Sequence Matters

When braaing, start with the sausage, followed by rashers or ribs, and finish with the steaks. This sequence allows each type of meat to cook perfectly without overcooking or drying out.

2. Pre-Marinated Convenience

Buy bulk chops and portion them into freezer bags with your favourite marinade to save time and ensure flavourful meat. When it’s braai time, simply defrost, and you’re ready to go.

3. Super Hot Coals for Steaks

For a great steak, push all the coals into one spot to create a super hot section on your braai. This intense heat sears the steak perfectly, giving you a delicious crust and a juicy interior.

4. Lemon Magic for Lamb Chops

Squeeze fresh lemon over your lamb chops while braaiing. The acidity of the lemon not only tenderises the meat but also enhances its natural flavours, making every bite a succulent delight.

5. Smoky Braai with Wood Chips

Enhance the smoky flavour of your braai by soaking wood chips (like hickory, applewood, or mesquite) in water for about 30 minutes and then adding them to your coals. This technique works exceptionally well with meats like pork and chicken.

6. Herb-infused butter for Basting 

Create a herb-infused butter by melting butter and adding your favourite herbs like thyme, rosemary, and garlic. Use this to baste your meat while it’s on the braai. This adds a rich, aromatic flavour and helps keep the meat moist.

7. Coffee Rub for Beef

Try a coffee rub on your beef cuts for a unique and bold flavour. Mix ground coffee with brown sugar, paprika, and your favourite spices. Rub this mixture onto your beef before braaing to create a rich, caramelised crust.

8. Infuse with Bay Branches

Throw some bay branches onto the fire to add a delightful flavour to your red meat. The aromatic essence of the bay leaves will enhance the natural taste of meats like rump.

9. Beer Can Chicken

For an incredibly moist and flavourful chicken, try the beer can method. Place an open can of beer inside the cavity of a whole chicken and stand it upright on the braai. The beer steams the chicken from the inside, keeping it juicy and adding a subtle beer flavour.

10. Crisp Up That Fat

For perfectly crispy lamb chops or rashers, skewer them and stand the fat side down first on the braai. This method ensures the fat crisps up beautifully before you remove the skewer and continue braaing as usual.

11. Tender and Juicy Chicken

Avoid dry chicken by par-cooking it in the marinade before finishing it on the braai. This way, your chicken remains juicy and flavoured.

12. Perfect Spare Ribs

Wrap your spare ribs in foil and place them in a meat bucket to steam for an hour or two. Ensure the water in the bucket is hot but not boiling to prevent overcooking. This method keeps the ribs tender and allows the marinade to infuse deeply without burning during the braai.

13. Rest Your Meat

Always allow your meat to rest after braaiing. A good rule of thumb is to let smaller cuts like steaks rest for about 5 minutes per 500 grams. For larger cuts like brisket or roasts, let the meat rest for at least 15-20 minutes if cooked for more than an hour. This resting period lets the juices redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more tender and flavourful outcome.

14. Use a Salt Block

For an extra touch of flavour, try using a salt block on your braai. Heat the block on the grill and then cook your meat directly on it. The salt block imparts a subtle, delicious seasoning and ensures even cooking.

15. Rosemary and Lemon Layers

For a unique and aromatic braai experience, layer your braai grid with fresh rosemary sticks and slices of lemon. Add your meat on top, season with salt, and braai until cooked. This technique works wonders for both lamb and chicken.

Share Your Tips

Do you have any more braai tips? We’d love to hear from you. Please comment below and share your braai wisdom. And remember, every great braai is a step towards mastering this beloved tradition.

We look forward to seeing you at OZ Braai, where we celebrate the joy of braaiing every day. Note that we are closed on the first Monday of every month for regular maintenance. Enjoy your braai, and happy grilling!

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